On the 20th of August 2015 the NLAT conducted its third Change of Command Ceremony since this NATO entity has been set up directly under NATO Headquarters Brussels, which occurred on the 28th of March 2014.
The Command of the NLAT was transferred from Brigadier General Werner HAUMANN to Brigadier General Stefan Linus FIX during a formal ceremony which took place at the Multifunctional Tent in Camp Film City.
Brigadier General HAUMANN, who served as Director of the NLAT since the 14th of January 2015, will return to the German Air Force Command in Cologne. Incoming Director Brigadier General FIX, who is Head of the Capability Management Division, Defense Plans and Policy Directorate in the Federal Ministry of Defense in Bonn, is now in command of the 35 military and civil NLAT staff seconded by 14 different nations.
Looking retrospectively at his mission, outgoing Director NLAT Brigadier General HAUMANN summarizes: "It has been a great honor and pleasure to serve with the KFOR family in supporting the Kosovo Security Forces. We achieved quite a lot up to now, but there is still work to be done in order to further enhance capacity building and training for the Kosovo Security Forces.”
As tasked by the North Atlantic Council (NAC), the NLAT supports the ongoing development of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) within its current mandate through the provision of advice and support at brigade level and above. This support aims to contribute to internal security and confidence building within Kosovo as well as among regional actors.
The NLAT advice to the KSF focuses on the topics of capacity building and training, leadership, command and control, training, doctrine, logistics, Communications and Information Systems (CIS), force development, force planning, and systems for personnel vetting and management. In addition, the NLAT manages and delivers NATO assistance in order to facilitate the continued professional development of the KSF.
In 2008, KFOR (Kosovo Force) was directed to stand down the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) with dignity. Simultaneously KFOR was tasked to stand up the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) as a force capable of fulfilling security functions not appropriate for police or other law inforcement organizations. Additionally, administrative and technical support was provided by the NATO Advisory Team (NAT) in the establishment of a civilian led organization to oversee the KSF. The KPC was disbanded on the 15th of June 2009.
The KSF was established on the 21st of January 2009 as an all-voluntary, professional, multi-ethnic, lightly armed force with a mandate encompassing crisis response, assistance to civil authorities in responding to natural and other disasters and emergencies, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and civil protection force capable of fulfilling security functions not appropriate for police or other law enforcement organizations. Full Operational Capability (FOC) of the KSF was declared by the North Atlantic Council (NAC) on the 9th of July 2013.
NAC agreed on a continued effort to support the development of the KSF. New efforts vis-à-vis the KSF now focus on higher level advice by the NATO Liaison and Advisory Team (NLAT) established on the 4th of July 2013. After its stand-up phase within Headquarters KFOR structure, NAC decided to move the NLAT in its next phase coming under direct command and control of the Assistant Secretary General for Operations, NATO HQ Brussels, on the 28th of March 2014.