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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2015  /  PILGRIMAGE TO THE LETNICA SANCTUARY


On the 15th of August KFOR soldiers went on a pilgrimage to the Letnica Sanctuary in the South East of KOSOVO.

Various camouflage uniforms and flags of KFOR contributing Nations waved along the way to the Letnica Sanctuary.

The Holy Mass was officiated by the Bishop of Pristina, Mons Dode and General Deputy of the Military Church for Italy, Mons Angelo Frigerio. Many people from a wide spectrum of religious backgrounds participated in the ceremony.

Letnica is deeply connected to one of the world’s most admired figures, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxiu). She said at the beginning of her vocation was the Madonna of Letnice who interceded for me and helped me to discover my vocation.

Despite being raised in Skopje, Macedonia, Mother Teresa was deeply linked to Kosovo, not only for the sanctuary of Letnica, where she returned five more times before she died, but because her parents were natives of Kosovo: her father from Prizren and her mother from Novoselle, near Gjakova.

Central to all mainstream Religious communities are spiritual education guides that teach people to live in peace and respect differences. Mons Frigerio spent ten days in Kosovo meeting religious representatives from a variety of religious ethniticities in Kosovo During his visit he also visited the PEC, Patriarchate, DECANI and GRACANICA Monasteries, KFOR continues to encourage dialogue between all religious representatives in Kosovo to support peace, cooperation and progress for all the people of Kosovo.

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