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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2015  /  KFOR COMMANDER IN MONTENEGRO FOR HIGH LEVEL TALKS


06th March 2015 – Yesterday COMKFOR, Major General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, was in Montenegro to conduct a series of meetings with the Montenegrin Minister of Defence, the Minister of Interior and the Chief of Defence.

During the meeting the Minister of Interior, Mr. Rasko Konjevic and the KFOR Commander had the opportunity to discuss the security situation and cooperation in the region. They agreed on the importance of a close cooperation (through of technical and political boards) between Kosovo and Montenegro authorities for the management of the common border in order to prevent cross border crime and illegal activities.

Additionally, General Figliuolo met with the Minister of Defence, Prof. Milica Pejanovic Djurisic. The Minister of Defence highlighted the importance of KFOR to ensure a safe and secure environment in Kosovo according to the UN resolution 1244. He stressed the importance of the effective role of KFOR to enhance the stability and the overall security in the area, for the benefit of the general development of the region, which is currently facing a critical economic crisis.

The Chief of Defence, Admiral Dragan Samardzic, was the last Montenegrin authority to receive KFOR Commander in Podgorica. KFOR Commander had the opportunity to discuss about the security situation in the region. General Figliuolo expressed his appreciation for the important contribution made by Montenegrin Armed Forces deployed in multinational peace-keeping missions, while Admiral Samardzic evinced his hope that Montenegro could soon join NATO after the total accomplishment of Alliance standards for entrance in the Organization.

These High Level Talks in Podgorica followed similar Talks in Tirana, Skopje and Niš, which were held over the last few months, and are conducted in accordance with the Military Technical Agreement (MTA), known as the Kumanovo Treaty.

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