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Pristina, Kosovo. KFOR Tactical Reserve Manoeuvre Battalion (KTM) planned and led the Exercise "CROSSBOW” on 26 and 27 November 2015. The exercise was based at Camp Slim Lines and also Camp Vrelo.

Exercise "CROSSBOW” included participants from the Portuguese and Hungarian KTM Manoeuvre Companies, KFOR’s Austrian Reconnaissance Company, the Luxembourg Reconnaissance Platoon and UAV units under KFOR HQ’s control.

The exercise was conducted in three phases. The first and second phases were conducted on 26 November in Camp Slim Lines. The focus of these phases was on academic and static/dynamic demonstrations. The aim of the demonstration was to promote the exchange of experiences, knowledge and information amongst participating units. The first two phases were important to familiarize everyone with each unit’s assets, organization, capabilities and limitations. It was also an excellent opportunity to get to know each member of these units, and share experience while making new friends.

The third phase took place on 27 November in Camp Vrelo and consisted of a Field Training Exercise (FTX). The FTX was planned with a scenario based on a violent protest, within an urban environment. The KTM Manoeuvre Company was tasked to restore the secure and safe environment (SASE) in support of Kosovo Police, following a significant deterioration of the situation. One of the objectives of the FTX was to exercise the J2’s Recce and UAV assets that serve as KFOR’s "eyes and ears”. They were practiced in situation awareness and the accurate reporting of information. The passage of timely and accurate information from reconnaissance assets to the KTM Commander is crucial for the successful planning and intervention in a Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) operation.

This exercise was another great opportunity to train and test the command and control procedures in KTM and practice interoperability with other KFOR forces. It also presented an opportunity to improve the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) for CRC. At the end of the exercise all units involved had achieved the goal of enhanced understanding of each other’s TTPs, equipment and capabilities and are in a better position to operate together if called upon to respond to any operational situation.

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