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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2015  /  COMKFOR VISITED MNBG W


Pristina, Kosovo. KFOR Commander, Major General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, visited today camp "Villaggio Italia" Multinational Battle Group West ( MNBG - W ) headquarters. The Unit is responsible for the western part of Kosovo and is composed by Italian, Austrian, Slovenian and Moldovan soldiers.

After being updated on the operational situation by Colonel Ciro Forte and his staff, COMKFOR met and personally greeted all the soldiers of the Unit.

" Your dedication to duty and the and commitment that you have always put to work together under NATO flag - said the COMKFOR - has led to results that only a few years ago seemed far reaching . What I ask you now is not an easy task: together, me as a Commander and you on the ground, must continue to work to keep this momentum and achieve other important results".

General Miglietta then visited Visoki - Decani Monastery, the only place in Kosovo where KFOR is still the first responder, and the Patriarchate of Pec / Peja , spiritual home of the Serbian Church under KFOR responsibility until September 2013.

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