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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2015  /  ADMIRAL FERGUSON VISITS KFOR


KFOR Commander, Major General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, received U.S. Navy Admiral Mark E. Ferguson III, Commander JFC Naples in his official visit to KFOR.

After his arrival at Slatina Airport, Admiral Ferguson, escorted by General Figliuolo overflew some KFOR camps and zones mainly located in the North of Kosovo, during the flight he was briefed by the KFOR Commander on the latest developments and the current security situation in Kosovo. After landing in Mitrovica, Admiral Ferguson paid a visit to the KFOR service members deployed in the vicinity of Austerlitz Bridge, where he was informed about the main security issues regarding this area of Kosovo.

On arrival in Camp "Film City”, NATO KFOR Headquarters in Pristina/Prishtinë, Admiral Ferguson, and General Figliuolo, met with Mr. Samuel Zbogar, European Union Special Representative in Kosovo. During the meeting Mr. Zbogar and JFCN Commander conveyed their appreciation of the recent developments in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and expressed their hope that the same positive and collaborative attitude could be adopted, by all parties, also inside the Kosovo institutions.

Mr. Zbogar confirmed to JFCN Commander the importance of KFOR stabilising presence in Kosovo while Admiral Ferguson expressed to General Figliuolo his appreciation for the role performed by KFOR to ensure a safe and secure environment in Kosovo, in such a delicate and complex region of the Balkans.

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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