KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2015  /   MAJOR GENERAL FIGLIUOLO MET WITH GENERAL DIKOVIC


14th March 2015 – Continuing his series of High Level Talks, KFOR Commander Major General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo yesterday met the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces (SAF), General Ljubisa Dikovic, in Kruševac in Serbia.

The KFOR Commander outlined the improvement in the security situation in Kosovo and he underlined that these achievements have been reached as a result of continuous endeavours and cooperation among all the parties involved in the normalization process. He also confirmed the constant and impartial efforts of the NATO mission in order to maintain a Safe and Secure Environment and Freedom of Movement, thus creating the necessary conditions to help and support progress, democracy and modernization in Kosovo.

During the visit, they also had the opportunity to visit the Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Training Centre (CBRN-TC), one of the centres for specialized training subordinated to the SAF operational Training command. Participation in CBRN-TC courses is opened to all regional, NATO and Partnership for Peace countries.

At the conclusion of the Talks, both Generals confirmed that this productive and cordial cooperation is going to continue in the future.

In accordance with the Military Technical Agreement (MTA), KFOR Commander conducts regular meetings with the Chiefs of Defence of the various countries bordering KFOR Area of Responsibility; they represent an effective opportunity to exchange information and points of view on the overall security situation in the Balkans area. In the last few months it has been conducted these High Level Talks in Podgorica, in Tirana, and in Skopje.

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