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4thOctober 2014 - Today, COM KFOR, Major General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, presided over the change of command ceremony in Slim Lines Camp, in Pristina, to mark the handover of command within KFOR Tactical Manoeuvre Battalion.

Attending the ceremony were Major General Campos Serafino representing the Portuguese Chief of Defence and many military authorities representing KFOR contributing nations.

Portuguese Lieutenant Colonel Pedro Brito Teixeira handed over command to Lieutenant ColonelJose’ Tavares Das Neves, after six months in command. The Portuguese 1st Mechanized Battalion has been replaced by the 1stParatrooper Battalion of the 15th Infantry Regiment.

During his speech, COM KFOR remarked on the high level of professionalism and the outstanding performance showed by KTM Portuguese personnel during their tour in KFOR.

KFOR Tactical Manoeuvre Battalion is a unit composed of Portuguese and Hungarian soldiers, supporting KFOR mandate to ensure freedom of movement and a safe and secure environment in Kosovo according to UN resolution 1244. 

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