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General Frank GORENC, NATO HQ Allied Air Commander visited HQ KFOR in Pristina and met with KFOR Commander Major-General Salvatore FARINA (COM KFOR) on 1st and 2nd April 2014.

 Major-General FARINA and General GORENC discussed the latest developments in the security situation in Kosovo and in the Balkan region.

 Major General Salvatore FARINA and his staff briefed General GORENC on the current security and political situation in Kosovo in view of the success of elections and the impact on the stability of the region.

COM KFOR underlined the positive and close cooperation with the KP, EULEX, and with all the other international and local organizations, in order to maintain a Safe and Secure Environment and Freedom of Movement throughout Kosovo with a specific focus on the North.

 At the end of the briefing General GORENC presented his award coin to two KFOR staff officers and expressed his appreciation for the outstanding work of all KFOR personnel.

 On April the 2nd Major General Salvatore FARINA and General Frank GORENC visited the KFOR Operational Outposts located in the Northern area of Kosovo.

At Camp NOTHING HILL and Camp CABRA, GATE 1 and FOP 31 they were briefed on the operational situation by the local Commanders of the multinational units deployed in the area.

 During his visit the HQ Allied Air Commander had the opportunity to meet representatives of American troops and the US Air Force personnel deployed in Kosovo.

 COM KFOR expressed his appreciation for the contribution of the U.S troops, outlining their professionalism and great commitment which make them a great asset to KFOR.

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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10000, Pristina