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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2014  /  GENERAL FARINA MEETS KOSOVO NORTHERN MAYORS


On 30th April, the Kosovo Force Commander (COMKFOR) Major General Salvatore FARINA hosted, for the first time in KFOR HQ in Camp "Film City” in Pristina, the Mayor of LEPOSAVIC, Mr Dragan JABLANOVIC, the Mayor of MITROVICA North, Mr Goran RAKIC, the Mayor of ZUBIN POTOK, Mr Stevan VULOVIC and the Mayor of ZVECAN, Mr Vucina JANKOVIC.

General FARINA and his guests discussed the general situation in Kosovo with specific focus on the North. They gave great importance to mutual cooperation and the transparency in the relationship between the four Municipalities and KFOR.

Speaking about the current security situation in the North, COM KFOR remarked on the importance of the role of the Kosovo Police as the first responder and EULEX as the second responder.

"KFOR will continue to provide a secure environment in the North and in the rest of Kosovo, ready to intervene, as third responder, if required”, General FARINA said.

COM KFOR underlined the improvement in the overall security situation in Kosovo after the 19th April Belgrade - Pristina agreement and confirmed the continuous effort of the NATO KFOR mission to maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all the people in Kosovo.

At the same time General FARINA thanked the four Mayors for the constant efforts, made so far, by their respective municipalities and assemblies and asked them to do more together in the future in order to enhance the stability through the dialogue and the cooperation.

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KFOR HQ Pristina
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina