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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2014  /  CROWD AND RIOT CONTROL - EXERCISE “SILVER SABRE”


On 20 and 21 NOV 2014, KFOR manoeuvre units conducted a Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) exercise in close coordination with EULEX and KOSOVO Police/Special Operation Unit (KP/OSU).

The purpose of the exercise was to enhance KFORs capability in order to maintain the readiness of troops and increase the operative flexibility of the units concerned.  The harmonization of techniques, tactics and procedures between the Kosovo Police (KP), the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) and KFOR was a fundamental objective of the exercise period. The military drill, conducted in three phases successfully incorporated all three responders namely the Kosovo Police, EULEX and KFOR.  

The first phase took place on 12 NOV 14 and 15 NOV 14 and was a theoretical training phase, the second phase which was conducted on 19 NOV 14 provided for Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) practice.  The third and final phase held on 20 & 21 NOV 14 exercised KP, EULEX and KFOR personnel in CRC.  

The Silver Sabre Synthesis Exercise was based on realistic CRC scenarios.  On 20 NOV 14 classic scenarios of CRC were exercised in Camp Vrelo, while on 21 NOV a new dimension was introduced as the exercise scenario spread Kosovo wide with a deployment to DAKOVICA/GJAKOVA.

The exercise scenario was based on an escalating CRC situation where the KP unit, acting as 1st responder, asked for reinforcement from EULEX, 2nd responder and KFOR, 3rd responder in order to re-establish a safe and secure environment.

The liaison, communication and relief in place of the various responders was a crucial part of the exercise and the impromptu scenarios required enhanced collaboration between all responders particularly with regard to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

The "Silver Sabre” exercise was conducted by units from KFOR Tactical Reserve Manoeuvre Battalion (KTM), Multinational Specialized Unit (MSU), Multinational Battle Group - East and West (MNBG - E and MNBG - W), Joint Logistic Support Group, EULEX and KP.

During the exercise the Kosovo Security Force (KSF), in its capacity as one of the Kosovo Security Organizations disposed of a UXO in accordance with its approved role and duties.

Upon conclusion COM KFOR, Major General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo complimented those who organised and participated in the Silver Sabre Synthesis Exercise for a very successful endeavour.

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