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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2014  /  COMMANDER JOINT FORCE COMMAND (JFC) NAPLES VISITS KFOR


Pristina, 29th-30th December 2014 - Kosovo Force Commander, Major General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, welcomed the U.S. Navy Admiral Mark E. Ferguson III, Commander JFC Naples, to the NATO KFOR Headquarters in Pristina/Prishtinë.

Adm. Ferguson spoke to KFOR service-members deployed in Camp "Film City” and in Camp "Bondsteel”, expressing his pride in the excellent results achieved by KFOR during last year, thanks to the professionalism, dedication and devotion of its soldiers. The visit was an opportunity for him to address his best wishes for 2015 and to congratulate and reward the best Multinational Non Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Soldiers who were winners of a friendly competition in soldier events and skills.

Adm. Ferguson highlighted that Kosovo, thanks to the KFOR commitment in ensuring a Safe and Secure Environment and Freedom of Movement, continues to improve the conditions for social and economic development in its way of normalization through the implementation of Bruxelles Agreements.

Adm. Ferguson and General Figliuolo had also the opportunity to meet the Ambassadors of the Quint Countries and the UNMIK Head of Mission. They pointed out the great importance of mutual cooperation in order to enhance the stability and the overall security of the area, highlighting KFOR’s comprehensive approach in synergy with the International Community.

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10000, Pristina

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