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New phase 'peace bridges' officially opens on 6th November.

On 6th November Major General Salvatore FARINA ,COM KFOR, as the NATO representative, took part in the official opening ceremony of the third phase of this "REGIONAL AND LOCAL ROADS and BRIDGES PROGRAM SUPPORT PROJECT”.

The first purpose of the agreement is to develop the cooperation between NATO and FYROM with regard to our partnership. FYROM is in the Membership Action Plan

In this phase, NATO led by NAMSA (NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency) is financing other 8 million to restore and to strengthen last 13 bridges structures, from Veles to Katlanovo, and bring the bearing capacity of the structures in-line with NATO standards in order provide safer transportation links on the road Corridor X.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the reconstruction of roads and bridges in FYROM was signed on 14th June 2008, in Skopje, by the FYROM Minister of Transportation and Communications, Xhemali Mehazi, and Brigadier General Dennis Blease, Commander NATO HQ Skopje.

The memorandum of understanding is a legal framework for the road reconstruction project. NATO will allocate 35 million Euro for the reconstruction of 60 bridges in FYROM that are used and damaged by heavy KFOR convoy's vehicles during the Kosovo crisis.

The official opening ceremony of third phase of the project is one of the key objectives of NATO to bring people together to live in peace, with a common respect both for shared values and for diversity.

When completed the project will have a positive direct and indirect impact on human health and safety through the reduction in the number of accidents and reduced air pollution on the rehabilitated road sections.

In general terms the project will have positive impacts on the living standards of FYROMs population through its direct effect on employment and economic growth.

Major General Salvatore FARINA said: "This road repair project is a great example of the KFOR motto, "More Together”. As single organizations, nobody would be able to complete such a monumental task. We will be able to accomplish this road construction within the year and prove that we can do "more Together”, than on our own.”

COM KFOR also underlined that KFOR and FYROM have worked hard to bring this project to fruition; both have done so in excellent manner and will continue this worthy and fruitful union for as long as NATO needs to continue their operations in the Balkan Area.

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