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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2013  /  JRD SOUTH CHANGE OF COMMAND


On 8th September 2013 : COMKFOR, Major General Salvatore FARINA, presided over a change of command ceremony in the Turkish Camp "SULTAN MURAT" in Prizren, to mark the handover of command within Joint Regional Detachment (JRD)South. Many distinguished visitors were present at the ceremony including the Turkish Ambassador to Kosovo.

Turkish Colonel Aygun EKER handed over command to Colonel Zorlu TOPALOGLU, after nearly one year in command. The parade consisted of troops from the JRD ; Turkish support is composed of 367 military personnel.

COM KFOR awarded Colonel Aygun EKER with the KFOR NATO Peace Mission Medal and commented on his professionalism and dedication. He welcomed the new JRD Commander and wished him all the best. At the end of his speech Maj. Gen. FARINA pointed out: "…all of us being and working More together, can truly do and accomplish more for the better of all the people of Kosovo”.

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