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On 30th September 2013, Pristina - On the afternoon, the Transfer of Authority of the Deputy Commander (DCOM) KFOR was held in front of KFOR HQ in Camp Film City.

The ceremony was presided over by COM KFOR, MG FARINA and marked the transfer of authority from outgoing Brigadier General Bojan POGRAJC, Slovenian Armed Forces, that assumed the duty of Deputy Commander of KFOR on 7 September 2012, to the incoming Brigadier General Anton WESSELY (AUT).

On parade were all representatives of the various Branch and sections of the HQ to give their farewell to General POGRAJC at the end of his tour and welcome General WESSELY at the start of his.

MG FARINA underlined the outstanding performance of BG Pograjc, his leadership and the complete commitment to KFOR along with his duty tour in Kosovo. For this reason BG Pograjc was awarded with the Italian Defence General Staff Gold medal.

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KFOR HQ Pristina
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina