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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2013  /   SILVER SABER EXERCISE


On 16th October, COM KFOR, Major General Salvatore FARINA, attended the Silver Saber exercise in Camp Vrelo a Kosovo Police training site near Pristina airport.

This Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) exercise was being conducted over a three day period and involves over 510 personnel from KFOR, EULEX and Kosovo Police (KP) units. The aim of the exercise is to provide theoretical and practical CRC training to all participants in order to familiarize them with current CRC tactics, techniques and procedures.

The exercise was planned, organized and conducted by the operations branch of KFOR headquarters in coordination with the Kosovo Tactical Manoeuvre Battalion Headquarters (KTM HQ).

The highlight of the three day exercise was the practical CRC training conducted on 16th of October in the KP Camp Vrelo involving units from KTM, MNBG-E, ORF EULEX and KP, as well as helicopters, engineer tanks and EOD assets.

The scenario was based on a peaceful demonstration turning violent after which KP, EULEX and KFOR were called upon to re-establish a safe and secure environment.

On completion of the practical phase, General FARINA addressed all the participants underlining the outstanding the results and thanked KP and EULEX staff in particular for their fruitful contribution.

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