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KFOR Objectives

KFOR derives its mandate from UNSCR 1244 of 10 June 1999 and the Military-Technical Agreement (MTA) between NATO and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia. KFOR is operated under Chapter VII of the UN Charter and, as such, is a peace enforcement operation, which is more generally referred to as a peace support operation.

Initially, KFOR’s mandate was to:

  • deter renewed hostility and threats against Kosovo by Yugoslav and Serb forces;
  • establish a secure environment and ensure public safety and order;
  • demilitarize the Kosovo Liberation Army;
  • support the international humanitarian effort;and
  • coordinate with and support the international civil presence.

KFOR’s presence has been crucial in maintaining safety and security for all individuals and communities in Kosovo. Today, KFOR continues to contribute towards maintaining a safe and secure environment in Kosovo for the benefit of all people living in Kosovo.

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina