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18th Regulations Drafting Workshop- Book of Rules on Military Intelligence Database

‘’Legal and subject matter experts from the BiH MoD, AFBiH, the Intelligence-Security Agency of BiH (OSA BiH) and the Ministry of Security as the BiH National Security Authority completed the 18th Regulations Drafting Workshop held from 9 - 13 December 2013 in Teslic. NHQSa sponsored Regulations Drafting Workshops have been held from 2006 and have produced over 100 regulations governing the work of the defence and security sector.
The agenda of this Workshop included the Book of Rules on Military Intelligence Database. This database is the first of its kind in BiH and represents a joint project of the MoD and OSA BiH aimed at improving the exchange of intelligence data between military and civilian intelligence structures in BiH.
NHQSa will continue to provide legal and technical assistance in the process of creating a legal and technical framework for this database. The overall NATO objective in this area is to ensure that the MI function remains within the boundaries prescribed by defence and intelligence reform agreements reached in 2004-2005.’’

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