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Apr 12 2021

VTC meeting with Ambassadors from 30 Allied Nations

NATO is built on the principle that we are stronger together.

That applies to all of our activities- including our relationship with BiH – which puts the expertise and experience of 30 friends at the authorities disposal. As well as meeting all of the Ambassadors to BiH from all member states individually, the Commander of NATO Headquarters Sarajevo regularly brings the diplomats together – although because of the pandemic, for the last year these meetings have taken place via VTC.

The Ambassadors were briefed by the Commander of Allied Joint Force Command in Naples, Admiral Robert Burke, who gave a regional perspective on the security situation, and were given an update on BiH's plans and priorities for its relationship with NATO, by the Chairman of the Commission for Cooperation with NATO, Minister Josip Brkić.

NHQSa Commander, General Eric Folkestad during the VTC meeting
  Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo.

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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