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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  The US Army Europe and Africa Band and Chorus Parade and concert in Sarajevo

Jul 3 2021

The US Army Europe and Africa Band and Chorus Parade and concert in Sarajevo

The US Army Europe and Africa Band and Chorus have been in town this week, supporting music schools across the country, culminating in a parade through historic Sarajevo and a joint concert with the Armed Forces of BiH band in Sarajevo. Their visit is part of a NATO Headquarters Sarajevo project – created by our Command Sergeant Major, CSM Swirko – called Band Together.

Band Together aims to bring young people from different communities together through a shared love of music. The Armed Forces BiH Band, and visiting bands from NATO member states, will support and mentor the children in person and online, so that they can all come together to perform a concert.

The project has been backed by US charity Spirit of America- which has pledged $50,000 to buy musical instruments for the schools.

The US Army Europe and Africa Band along with Armed Forces of BiH band in downtown Sarajevo.  
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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