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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  The first troops arrive in BiH as part of preparations for Exercise Immediate Response

May 15 2021

The first troops arrive in BiH as part of preparations for Exercise IMMEDIATE RESPONSE

The first troops arrived in BiH this week, as part of preparations for Exercise IMMEDIATE RESPONSE – the largest exercise in BiH history.

Although IMMEDIATE RESPONSE is a bi-lateral exercise which will only involve US and BIH military personnel, it's vital for NATO that our allies and partners can work together. It's also another vital step towards AFBiH having a unit that has been certified as capable of meeting the highest international standards, and which can be used in support of peace and security operations abroad.  

Our team of advisors from NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo have also been heavily involved in supporting planning and preparations for the exercise – which would be a huge undertaking even without the added (but essential) complications caused by measures to ensure that the movement of troops doesn't spread COVID.   

U.S. Troops at the Sarajevo Airport.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

NHQSa Commander, General Eric Folkestad with U.S. Troops.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo 

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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