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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  The Commanders of NHQSa and EUFOR marked the continued cooperation and friendship

Nov 1 2021

The Commanders of NHQSa and EUFOR marked the continued cooperation and friendship

The Commanders of NHQSa and EUFOR marked the continued cooperation and friendship between their respective missions with a tree planting ceremony in Camp Butmir.

During the ceremony Brigadier General Eric Folkestad said:

The close collaboration and partnership between our missions between NATO and EUFOR in Butmir reflects our shared commitment to helping the political and governmental leaders build security, stability and prosperity that benefits everyone in BIH. We are two missions, but one united team. Planting this tree is a symbol of our friendships - personal as well as professional; and a symbol of the increasing importance both the EU and NATO place on tackling environmental issues like climate change and - the security implications they cause.

NATO Headquarters Sarajevo commander Brigadier General Eric Folkestad and EUFOR commnder Major General Alexander Platzer during the ceremony.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Major General Alexander Platzer said:

NATO and EUFOR share a common legal roof as well as a common roof over our heads as we reside in the same Headquarters. We enjoy close professional cooperation and maintain a strong friendship. The Birch tree planted here today stands for brightness and hope, the oak stands for a long life. Together these trees symbolise our joint view for this country; a long lasting and hopeful future for BiH.

Story by Capt Eoin Murphy/EUFOR Public Affairs Office

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71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Building 200
Camp Butmir