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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  NHQSa visit to Peace Support Operations Training Center (PSOTC)

Mar 25 2021

NHQSa visit to Peace Support Operations Training Center (PSOTC)

What is leadership? What makes a good leader? What do you need to consider when leading  international teams? These were some of the questions Brigadier General Eric Folkestad asked of students at BiH's NATO accredited training center today. 

The soldiers, junior officers who have been earmarked for roles in international organizations, were attending a week-long International Staff Officer Skills course, also took the opportunity to ask the NATO Headquarters Commander, who leads a team from 14 nations, about the benefits and challenges he experiences on a daily basis, and what he has learned from experience during his career.

The International Staff Officer Skills course is just one of many courses held at the Peace Support Operations Training Center (PSOTC) which are attended by military and civilian leaders from around the world. The Center – a regional center of excellence- has helped ensure that BiH is no longer seen by the international community as a former site of peacekeeping mission, but as a leader in training on peace support operations.

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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