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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  NHQSa visit to military range in Manjaca and 1st Helo squadron

Feb 12 2021

NHQSa visit to military range in Manjaca and 1st Helo squadron

If you get stuck or have an accident while hiking or skiing in BiH, the chances are that it will be an helicopter from the Armed Forces that comes to your rescue. 

During a visit to the AFBiH military range in Manjaca – which later this year will see AFBIH helicopters in action as it hosts the biggest exercise in BiH history (with troops from founding NATO ally, the USA) – General Folkestad met with the Commander of the 1st Helicopter Squadron to get first hand insight on their mission and key engagements, such as rescue and evacuation missions in supporting all BiH citizens in need

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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