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May 26 2021

NHQSa Visit to AFBIH Demining Site

It is estimated that the safety of one in 12 inhabitants of BiH is directly affected by 'explosive remnants of war'.

That is why one of the priorities of NATO Headquarters Sarajevo, and our EU counterparts, is to assist the authorities in the destruction of mines and munitions.

The Commander of NATO Headquarters Sarajevo, General Eric Folkestad and his EUFOR counterpart General Platzer visited an AFBiH team working to clear landmines at a location just outside Sarajevo.

NHQSa Commander, General Eric Folkestad briefed by AFBIH Kerim Hrnjic on the current exercise.  
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

As well as congratulating the soldiers for their courage, putting their own lives at risk to ensure the safety of others, Commander Folkestad was briefed on the ongoing challenge to clear BiH of landmines.

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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