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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  NHQSa pays respects at Srebrenica Memorial Center

Jul 11 2021

NHQSa pays respects at Srebrenica Memorial Center

NATO Headquarters Sarajevo's Deputy Commander Olcay Denizer has joined representatives from nations and organizations from across the world in commemorating the genocide at Srebrencia, during which more than 8,000 people were killed.

Representing the staff at NHQSa, Col Denizer joined the solemn remembrance service, which also honoured newly identified victims as they were buried. 

Members of the international community, including NATO, used the commemorations to call for unity and cooperation to create a future that is inclusive of all citizens in a BiH that is stable and prosperous. 

NHQSa Deputy Commander, Olcay Denier signing the Remembering Srebrenica Book of Pledges with NHQSa Command Sergeant Major, Francis Swirko.  
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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