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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  NHQSa Commander General Folkestad visit toAFBIH Support Brigade

Mar 3 2021

NHQSa Commander General Folkestad visit toAFBIH Support Brigade

People, logistics, training and doctrine: these are the core elements of any military. And in AFBIH are the responsibility of Support Brigade.

NATO HQ Sarajevo provides support, advice and assistance to the Brigade and the Ministry of Defence as they modernize the Armed Forces. Among other things, this means helping reform selection and recruitment processes, ensuring that the military continues to be a challenging and fulfilling career, and ensuring that doctrine reflects international standards. 

During a visit, Brigadier General Eric Folkestad was particularly interested in the progress that has been made in fully integrating women, and gender perspectives, into all aspects of defence and security.

NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Commander, Brigadier General Eric Folkestad.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Commander, Brigadier General Eric Folkestad. 
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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