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Mar 17 2021

NHQSa Commander General Folkestad speech at Commission for Cooperation with NATO

Any decision on NATO membership, as well as the priorities for BiH's partnership with NATO, are a matter for BiH alone to make – that was the message from NATO Headquaters Sarajevo Commander Brigadier General Eric Folkestad, as he addressed the newly formed Commission for Cooperation with NATO.

As well as reaffirming NATO's commitment to a partnership on BiH's terms, BG Folkestad made clear that regardless of any decision on membership, the reforms that NATO assists with will bring BiH into line with international best practice and common standards – and will only benefit the country and all of its citizens. 

During the inaugural session, the CCN Chairman, Deputy Foreign Minister Josip Brkić also emphasized that the reforms are an important end in themselves, and should not be seen as a roadmap where NATO membership is the inevitable destination.  

Josip Brkiić during his speach.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

NHQSa Commander, Brigadier General Eric Folkestad statement for the media.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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