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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  NHQSa Commander, General Eric Folkestad visited Peace Support Operations Center

Jan 13 2021

NHQSa Commander, General Eric Folkestad visited Peace Support Operations Center

BiH is home to a regional center of excellence in Peace Support Operations: helping to train soldiers and civilian leaders from the Balkans, NATO member states and far beyond. 

It took BiH less than 6 years to go from having foreign troops keeping the peace to teaching those troops how to be better peacekeepers.  NHQSa Commander, General Eric Folkestad, today met the Commander of the Center to congratulate him and the staff on the impact the Center has as an ambassador for BiH and its armed forces among the international community. 

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

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Peace Support Operations Training Centre BIH Logo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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