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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  NATO Trust Fund donation to AFBIH

Jul 8 2021

NATO Trust Fund donation to AFBIH

New portable negative-pressure chambers, x-ray machines and thermometers have today formally been handed over to the authorities in BiH- thanks to the generosity of NATO allies.

Throughout the COVID pandemic NATO and its allies have been there for citizens of BiH – providing life-saving protection equipment, supplies and more recently vaccinations. 

But the pandemic has also highlighted the need to be better prepared for future health emergencies. Because of this NATO has established a Trust Fund to help countries develop the capability to respond. 

At a ceremony Rajivac Barracks, representatives of the nations which financed the donation (US, UK, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands)  were joined by the assistant Ministers for Procurement and Logistic and International Cooperation, as well as senior military personnel- including NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Deputy Commander, Olcay Denizer. 

The thermometers have been distributed around BiH, but the x-ray machines and low-pressure chambers (which help patients experiencing breathing difficulties) will be held at the new AFBiH medical facilities and shared with local civilian hospitals on request. 

NHQSa Deputy Commander Olcay Denier.  
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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