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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2021  /  NATO Heads of Mission meeting in Camp Butmir

Oct 21 2021


Ambassadors from NATO's 30 Allied nations have gathered on Camp Butmir in Sarajevo for their regular Bosnia-Herzegovina 'Heads of Mission' meeting.

The meeting, chaired by NHQSa Commander, Brigadier General Eric Folkestad, allows senior diplomatic representatives to BiH from all NATO allies to discuss recent developments and different aspects of NATO's partnership with BiH. 


In addition to receiving an update on the activities of NHQSa, those in attendance were briefed on the perspective of NATO Headquarters in Brussels, by ASG for Public Diplomacy Baiba Braze and officials from the NATO Political Affairs and Security Policy Division - the main contact point in Brussels for all NATO 40 partner nations, including BiH.

Speaking after the meeting, NHQSa Commander, Brigadier General Folkestad said:

It was an honor to be able to bring representatives of the Allied Embassies and Missions together today. Each of NATOs' 30 allies bring something different to our partnership with BiH. What unites us is the commitment to work with the people of BiH to improve economic conditions, strengthen democratic institutions and ultimately ensuring that everyone in BiH can live their lives in security and prosperity. 
This was the first time we have been able to meet in person in over a year, because of COVID-19. During that time, like much of the rest of the world, our meetings moved online and in many ways we became even more effective.  NATO's activities never stopped during this pandemic, and a great many of our allies – and NATO itself- have provided lifesaving protective equipment, medical supplies and vaccines to the authorities in BiH. It's just one example of the benefits of our partnership. 
Heads of Mission Meeting October 2021, NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Camp Butmir  

At the conclusion of the meeting, the attendees made explicitly clear that NATO continues to stand with BIH as it has done in the past, and actively supports BiH's reform based partnership with NATO, as well as the safe and secure environment that AFBIH helps to provide.

Heads of Mission Meeting October 2021, NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Camp Butmir 

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Camp Butmir