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Jan 12 2021

Katlanovo's Blace commemoration

In the middle of NHQSa at Camp Butmir is a memorial garden, which commemorates the soldiers and civilians of every NATO member who gave their lives to help bring peace and security to BiH. Today, the NATO senior leadership team joined their EUFOR counterparts and representatives from the Embassy of North Macedonia to pay tribute to peacekeepers from North Macedonia who were killed in a helicopter crash near Katlanovo's Blace. 

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo
North Macedonia peacekeepers who lost their lives in the helicopter crash. - Lieutenant Colonel Toni Spasovski, Major Goran Ristovski, Captain Brane Spasovski and Igor Gjoreski, Master Sergeant Slavcho Vasilev and Toni Davitkovski, Staff Saregeant Janko Shirikj and Aleksandar Taskovski, Seregant Miki Ivanovski and Aleksandar Vasikj, and Corporal Zlatko Veljanovski

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Camp Butmir