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Nov 9 2020

NHQSa Commander participates in UN Security Council Resolution 1325 Women, Peace and Security call

U.S. Army Brigadier General William Edwards, NHQSa Commander, participated in a virtual call hosted by the Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, OSCE Mission to BiH, European Union Special Representative in BiH and UN Women BiH in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 Women, Peace and Security on Friday, 6 November 2020, on Camp Butmir, Sarajevo.

The UNSCR 1325 promotes gender equality, improvement of status and greater participation of women in defense and security institutions and organization, and gender equality in peace support operations
NATO recognises the disproportionate impact that conflict has on women and girls, the vital roles women play in peace and security, and the importance of incorporating gender perspectives in everything that the Alliance does
 , said BG Edwards. 

BiH was the first country in the region to adopt the Action plan for the implementation of the UNSCR 1325 and one of 19 countries in the world.

Photo: NATO Sarajevo Headquarters

“I commend the effort and accomplishments achieved by the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH of the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, OSCE Mission to BiH, Office of the European Union Special Representative in BiH, UN Women BiH and all the other partners who have contributed to the progress made so far, and who will recommit to the future implementation of the Resolution 1325”, stated BG Edwards.

In addition, the AFBiH have seen continuous rise in interest from women. After the recent recruitment, the percentage of women in the MoD and AFBiH is 8.1%.

“NHQSa remains committed to this important process as we fulfill our Defense and Security Sector Reform mission,” said BD Edwards. “We stand ready to partner with you in the achievement of the objectives outlined in UNSCR 1325.” 
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo
The AFBiH pay special attention to the issue of gender, which is also proven by the fact that all units up to battalion level have gender point of contacts appointed.

“Going beyond words, speeches and videos, this is our chance to create change and to demonstrate real commitment in the furtherance of Women, Peace and Security Resolution 1325. NHQSa remains committed to this important process as we fulfill our Defense and Security Sector Reform mission, and we will continue to partner with you in the achievement of the objectives outlined in UNSCR 1325”, BD Edwards concluded.

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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