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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2020  /  NATO HQ Sarajevo Commander participated in BIH Parliamentary Assembly event

 Dec 16 2020


NATO HQ Sarajevo Commander Brigadier General Eric Folkestad participated in a event hosted by the delegation of BiH Parliamentary Assembly to NATO Parliamentary Assembly, titled: “Euro-Atlantic Integration and Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Way Ahead?“

The BiH Parlamentary Assembliy event in the “BIH PA” building today, brought together representatives of the legislative and executive branches, NATO -Headquarters Sarajevo, the European Union Forces in BiH, the academic community and the civil sector in order to renew the dialogue on the process of Euro-Atlantic integration of BiH.

Prosperity cannot exist without security

Prosperity cannot exist without security. And the experience of many countries from the Balkans to the Baltics, has been that a closer relationship with NATO gives business the confidence to invest and create jobs. The principle of collective security itself, as well as the political and economic reforms countries make as part of their continued engagement with NATO, have a major, positive, impact on direct foreign investment –with some countries witnessing a 100% increase.

NATO’s mission to BIH has changed over time. Today we are focused on advising and assisting BiH on NATO programmes and defense and security sector reforms. On improving the everyday lives of the people of this country.

It is about peace and stability. It is about making sure that women play their full role in society. It is about fighting corruption, about ensuring that defence institutions are under democratic control, and are transparent and accountable", said NATO HQ Sarajevo Commander Brigadier General Eric Folkestad.

Story by NHQSa Naples Public Affairs Office

Photo: Parliamentary assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Photo: Parliamentary assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo: Parliamentary assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo: Parliamentary assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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