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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2020  /  NATO HQ Sa staff members visited AFBiH soldiers from the 5th Infantry Brigade, 1st Battalion, Bravo Company in Zenica.

Jul 31 2020

NATO HQ Sa staff members visited AFBiH soldiers from the 5th Infantry Brigade, 1st Battalion, Bravo Company in Zenica.

NATO HQ Sa staff members visited AFBiH soldiers from the 5th Infantry Brigade, 1st Battalion, Bravo Company in Zenica. The team observed embarking, disembarking and NATO marshalling standards for helicopters. The Company was declared for the Infantry Light Battalion Group (INF-L-BNG) capability already in 2011, and the training is a part of their commitment to meet the NATO evaluation of standardization planned for this fall.
Photo: Nato Headquarters Sarajevo.

Story by NhqSa Public Affairs Office

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