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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2016  /  NATO HQ Sarajevo hosts exhibition '20 years of NATO in BiH'

NATO HQ Sarajevo hosts exhibition '20 years of NATO in BiH'

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina - In cooperation with the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Foreign Affairs and NATO Headquarters Brussels, NATO HQ Sarajevo hosted an exhibition marking 20 years of NATO in BiH, Jan. 20, 2016.
The event was an opportunity to assess BiH’s progress on NATO integrations path, and to present the role NHQ Brussels plays in archiving valuable materials from the period of NATO-led Implementation and Stabilization forces in BiH.

"During the past 20 years, NATO has continued to play a role in implementing the Dayton Peace Agreement and in securing this peace through successive peacekeeping deployments," said NHQSa Commander, U.S. Army Brigadier General Giselle M. Wilz. "With the  efforts of many, Bosnia and Herzegovina is well on its way to Euro-Atlantic integration, and continues to move forward into Euro-Atlantic structures, and it is essential we continue to build upon the gains that have been made over the past 20 years."

Other speakers at the event were Josip Brkić, BiH Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chair of the BiH NATO Integration Process Commission, and NATO HQ Brussels Chief Archivist Ms. Ineke Deserno, who promoted the commemorative book which NATO Archives Brussels prepared to mark this 20th anniversary, which was on display at the exhibition.

The addresses were followed by a cake cutting ceremony symbolizing 20 years of NATO in BiH.

Story and photos by NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Public Affairs Office


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