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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2024  /  Slovenian president visit to Camp Butmir

Feb 16 2024

Slovenian president visit to Camp Butmir

Following last week’s visit of the North Atlantic Council to Bosnia and Herzegovina, NATO HQ Deputy Commander Colonel Bahri Yildiz welcomed to Camp Butmir today the President of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar.  

During the visit, Colonel Bahri Yildiz expressed gratitude for Slovenian dedicated contribution to the NHQSa team, to include continued partnership with BiH Armed Forces.

Colonel Bahri Yildiz also thanked Slovenia for its contributions towards the Defence Capacity Building Package for BiH, which were showcased last week during North Atlantic Council delegation visit to Rajlovac barracks.

President of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar arriving at Camp Butmir.
Photo by: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Both sides emphasized the benefits of mutual assistance between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in situations of natural disasters, such as the floods that hit Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014, when members of the Slovenian Army came to help local communities in the recovery, and the engagement of AFBIH resources to help the Slovenian citizens in need, after the devastating floods in summer 2023.

During the visit, President Pric Musar expressed strong support to BiH’s European and Euro-Atlantic integrations processes, as well as to further strengthening of the capacities of the BiH Armed Forces.

Photo by: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo
Photo by: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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Camp Butmir
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Building 200
Camp Butmir