Through Partnership for Peace Planning and Review Process (PARP), Bosnia and Herzegovina is working to develop fully professional Armed Forces that are interoperable with NATO forces and that meet high professional standards.
This week, NATO Delegation is visiting Sarajevo, BiH, to discuss the PARP assessment, which sets the planning targets for the development of AFBiH capabilities and interoperability and is a core part of NATO – BIH partnership.

NATO Delegation during their Peace Planning and Review Process (PARP) discussion in AFBiH Army Hall.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo
The delegation is led by Mr. Rohan Maxwell, PARP Officer for BiH at NATO Operations Division, Defense and Security Cooperation Directorate, joined by the staff from NATO Headquarters Brussels, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and Joint Force Command Naples.
Addressing the gathering today, Colonel Bahri Yildiz, NHQSa Deputy Commander highlighted:
PARP remains the principal tool through which NATO helps its partners to develop capabilities and interoperability. This remains as important today as it was when BIH first joined in 2007. For NATO HQ Sarajevo, PARP remains an integral part of our advisory tasks and support, and we will continue to assist you in the fulfillment of your goals.

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo
The visit will be concluded tomorrow, with high-level meetings with the MoD and AFBiH Joint Staff, while the PARP Partnership Goals will be agreed later in the year at a multi-lateral meeting in Brussels.
During the visit, the Norwegian Embassy, in its capacity as Contact Point Embassy for Bosnia and Herzegovina, will also organize a back-brief for NATO Allied Ambassadors to BiH.