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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2024  /  AFBiH continue to improve their interoperability with NATO Allies

Jun 11 2024

AFBiH continue to improve their interoperability with NATO Allies

Brigadier General Matthew A. Valas, NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Commander, attended DV Day of the Exercise 'Dynamic Response 24-4', held at Manjaca training area of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

The exercise evaluates participants according to the NATO Concept of Operational Capability Assessment (OCC E&F), designed to assess the level of interoperability of partner units in the NATO Pool of Forces (PoF).

The aim of the exercise was to assess the readiness and training of AFBIH in the execution of a wide range of operations and to present the operational capabilities of the members of the AFBiH 4th Infantry Brigade.

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

The exercise has demonstrated that the AFBiH continue to improve their interoperability with #NATO Allies, and NATO HQ Sarajevo remains committed to supporting them in that cause.

To find out more about #NATO OCC concept, visit:

Allied Land Command - Operations Capabilities Concept - Evaluation and Feedback Programme (nato.int)

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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