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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2023  /  Turkey, a NATO ally, remains committed to NATO Mission to BIH!

Dec 1 2023

Turkey, a NATO ally, remains committed to NATO Mission to BIH

NATO Commander Brigadier General Pamela McGaha presided over the formal transfer of authority ceremony that took place in Camp Butmir today between the outgoing Deputy Commander Colonel Baver Bekiroglu and the incoming Deputy Commander Colonel Bahri Yildiz. This brings an end to Colonel Bekiroglu’s one year tour of duty with NATO HQ Sarajevo.

During the ceremony, BG Pamela McGaha thanked Colonel Bekiroglu for his exceptional leadership and impact on NATO mission to BiH.

Colonel Bekiroglu has overseen the expansion of our advice and assistance into new areas – reflecting the challenges that all nations face: cyber security, protection of critical infrastructure and counterterrorism.
Brigadier General Pamela McGaha and outgoing Deputy Commander Colonel Baver Bekiroglu.

In conclusion, General McGaha thanked all those from team NATO, BiH Institutions and the international community stating that “There would be no NATO Headquarters Sarajevo without your support and partnership.”

Leaving the mission with deep sense of gratitude, Colonel Bekiroglu, the outgoing Deputy Commander, stated:

The stellar leadership of the Ministry of Defense and Joint Staff was boundless in organizing and training an Armed Forces which citizens of BiH can be proud of. With every unit which is progressing towards NATO standards, you will get better day by day. From modern and institutionalized training programs of TRADOC and PSOTC to the Inspector General program to provide full transparency and ethical foundations at all levels of the Armed Forces, NATO Headquarters Sarajevo was continuously by your side and it will never give up providing support to you.

Brigadier General Pamela McGaha with outgoing Deputy Commander Colonel Baver Bekiroglu and incoming Deputy Commander, Colonel Yildiz during the TOA ceremony in Camp Butmir.
This year was an incredible honor for me to work with you in our collective efforts in what can only be described as a historic and noble journey to assist citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Outgoing Deputy Commander Colonel Baver Bekiroglu, during his speech.

The incoming Deputy Commander, Colonel Yildiz pledged to uphold the highest standards of leadership and service in this critical role.

 Incoming Deputy Commander, Colonel Yildiz during the ceremony.
I am committed to working with our partners to build a more peaceful and prosperous future for this country. I believe that together, we can make a difference.” 

The change of authority ceremony is steeped in military traditions and serves the dual function of rendering honours to the departing deputy commander and providing official recognition of the transfer of authority to the incoming deputy commander.

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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