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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2023  /  Romania joins NATO HQ Sarajevo International Military Staff

Jul 20 2023

Romania joins NATO HQ Sarajevo International Military Staff

Brigadier General Pamela L. McGaha and Ambassador of Romania H.E. Mr. Anton Păcureţu hosted today’s flag raising ceremony at Camp Butmir to welcome NATO Ally Romania’s contribution to NATO HQ Sarajevo International Military Staff, in our support to BiH institutions in defence and security sector reform.

During the ceremony, BG Pamela McGaha emphasized Romania’s strong and active support to peace and stability in the region, to include support to the collective defense of our Allies and Partners.

By raising another flag in support of the NATO mission in BiH, we send a powerful signal that our Alliance remains united, that we are much stronger together than we are alone, and that we continue to support our partners and all of the citizens in BiH
Romanian soldiers raising the flag in Camp Butmir.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo
Romanian Ambassador to BiH Anton Pacuretu and BG Pamela McGaha during the ceremony.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Romanian Ambassador to BiH, Anton Pacuretu, emphasized that this contribution is a clear proof of Romania’s strong commitment to NATO, especially in the context of the new security realities in Europe and new challenges that we all face.

From our own experience, we know what a huge transformative effects partnership with NATO has not only on security and defense sector, but also in reforming many other areas to the benefit of the citizens and with a positive impact on their daily lives.

I express my conviction that the incoming Romanian staff who have joined NATO HQ Sarajevo International Military Staff will contribute with their expertise and experience to strengthening of the capacity of NATO HQ, and also BiH institutions, especially BiH Ministry of Defense

The ceremony was attended by NATO member states ambassadors to BiH, Defense Attachés, and Allied and Partner nations serving on Camp Butmir.

Romanian soldiers during the ceremony in Camp Butmir.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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