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NATO HQ Sarajevo  /  News  /  2022  /  Transfer of Authority of NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Chief of Staff

May 11 2022

Chief of Staff transfer of Authority Ceremony in NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

NATO Commander Brigadier General Pamela McGaha presided over the formal transfer of authority ceremony that took place in Camp Butmir today between the outgoing Chief of Staff Colonel Ferenc Kiss and the incoming Chief of Staff Colonel Robert Szász. This brings an end to Colonel Kiss's one year tour of duty with NATO HQ Sarajevo.

During the Transfer of Authority ceremony, BG Pamela McGaha thanked Colonel Kiss for his exceptional leadership and impact on NATO mission to BiH. 

Every year Hungary distinguishes itself in the quality of its contributions to the international military missions in BiH. It is a clear sign of commitment – both to the stability and security both of BiH, and the wider Euro-Atlantic area.
Brigadier General Pamela McGaha and outgoing Chief of Staff Colonel Ferenc Kiss during the ceremony.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo.

Leaving the mission with deep sense of gratitude, Colonel Kiss, the outgoing Chief of Staff, stated that

NATO HQ Sarajevo has continuously preserved its operational capability, and launched a new phase of cooperation with EUFOR.

The incoming Chief of Staff, Colonel Szász, thanked his superiors "for the opportunity to serve Hungary and NATO Allies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, continuing strong partnership with BiH".

Incoming Chief of Staff, Colonel Szász, NHQSa Commander Brigadier General Pamela McGaha  and outgoing Chief of Staff Colonel Ferenc Kiss during the ceremony in Camp Butmir.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo.

Lieutenant General Dr. Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, Commander of Hungarian Defense Forces, attended the ceremony and presented Colonel Kiss with the Peacekeeping Service Medal. 

Photos from today's ceremony at the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo.
Photo: NATO Headquarters Sarajevo

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Building 200
Camp Butmir