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Sep 23 2022

AFBiH assessed as “excellent”

BiH Minister of Defense, Sifet Podzic, announced today that the BiH Armed Forces Light Infantry Battalion Group completed its inspection last night and that it was rated excellent.

During the exercise, AFBiH soldiers passed over 2,100 tasks before the evaluators of the NATO alliance and partner countries.

I can officially tell you that the INF-L-BNG was rated excellent in three and very good in two areas. The final grade is excellent. We are proud of this success, and our task at hand is to bring the whole of AFBiH to this same level. It turns out that the troops are the key factor to this success

Podžić said.

Deputy Chief of the Joint Staff of the AFBiH for operations, Major General Ivica Jerkić, Minister of Defense, Sifet Podzic and Brigadier General Pamela McGaha.
Photo: MOD BiH

In full support of this important AFBiH milestone, NATO HQ Sarajevo Commander, BG McGaha stated:

Congratulations to AFBIH on their training score of "Excellent", the highest possible rating! This is an historic achievement and milestone for all Soldiers, leaders, exercise and logistics personnel, and the international evaluators. NATO is proud to serve with you, in support of your mission to ensure a safe, secure and more prosperous region.

The international team of assessors and monitors – from more than 12 NATO Allied and Partner nations - have spent the last 5 days critically assessing AFBIH’s performance in completing more than 2100 tasks in 5 categories: preparation, operation, support, communication and information systems and administration. They verified AFBIH, in the culmination of a four year processes, as “excellent” in three areas, and “very good” in two more.

The Light Infantry Battalion is now certified to join international (EU, UN and NATO) missions overseas, with the consent of the BiH authorities.

Story by NHQSa Public Affairs Office

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